Dual Language Document Assistant in TransTools+ has been updated with several useful features for hiding and unhiding text...
Welcome to the 48th edition of Translator Tools Newsletter and Happy Holidays! In this newsletter, I am excited to introduce TransTools+ v.2.5, which includes the new Dual Language Document Assistant tool...
Version 2.5 of TransTools+ includes Dual Language Document Assistant, a remake of the identically named tool from TransTools suite, providing a number of productivity improvements...
Welcome to the 47th edition of Translator Tools Newsletter. In this newsletter, I would like to announce recent updates to TransTools+, TransTools and Term Morphology Editor...
Version 2.4 of TransTools+ includes an important fix and provides several usability and UI improvements...
Version 3.34 of TransTools has been released. It includes general bug fixes and several improvements in TransTools for Word and TransTools for AutoCAD...
Welcome to the 46th edition of Translator Tools Newsletter. In this newsletter, I would like to introduce a new tool called Author Anonymizer which was recently added to TransTools+...
Version 2.3 of TransTools+ introduces Author Anonymizer, a new tool for modifying author information in tracked changes (revisions), comments and document properties of Word documents...
Welcome to the 45th edition of Translator Tools Newsletter. In this newsletter, I would like to introduce a new tool for TransTools+ and TransTools users called TransTools Migration Utility, as well as a new release of TransTools...
Welcome to the 44th edition of Translator Tools Newsletter. In this newsletter, I would like to introduce TransTools+ version 2.1 which includes a new important feature in Hide / Unhide Text tool for hiding text in localization tables in Microsoft Word format, as well as several fixes and improvements...