• TransTools+
    Productivity tools for translators, editors, content creators and DTP specialists
    Professional time-saving tools for Microsoft Office. Hide text from your CAT tool, convert non-translatable text into tags, perform quick search and replacement using search & replace lists, easily create dual-language documents, count words in tracked changes, apply highlighting to speed up editing, remove excessive spaces, use non-breaking spaces to keep text on the same line, use typographically correct symbols, anonymize author names, and do much more.
  • TransTools
    50+ translation productivity tools for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, AutoCAD and BricsCAD.
    Set of translation productivity plug-ins for Microsoft Office and AutoCAD / BricsCAD. Clean tags, remove excessive breaks and spaces, fix formatting issues before and after translation, correct mistakes, easily create dual-language documents, translate Visio and CAD drawings, and do much more.
  • Forget-me-not
    Never overlook anything when translating Microsoft Office documents using CAT tools
    Forget-me-not helps you plan the additional work required to translate Microsoft Office documents. It provides detailed reports about the text that will not be imported by your CAT tool, text which can be imported by changing the import options of your CAT tool, and content that needs attention before and after translation in the CAT tool.
  • TransTools+

    Suite of productivity tools for Microsoft Office designed for translators, editors, content creators and DTP specialists.

    • Multiple Find & Replace
      Search Word documents for multiple words and phrases, replace or format found text or review each occurrence in context before making a change.
    • Pre-flight Checker
      Check document for potential issues before translation or delivery.
    • Spacing, Punctuation and Symbol Correction Tool
      Create great-looking documents by removing excessive spaces, inserting missing spaces, using non-breaking spaces to keep text on the same line for readability, and using typographically correct symbols.
    • Hide / Unhide Text
      Mark text as non-translatable in order to hide it from your CAT tool or convert it into tags.
    • Dual Language Document Assistant
      Prepare documents for translation into dual-language format (i.e. containing source side by side with its translation).
    • Tracked Changes Assistant
      Analyze and count tracked changes in a Microsoft Word document.
    • DTP Tools
      Format documents quickly by using preset or ad-hoc formatting commands organized into lists.
    • Author Anonymizer
      Anonymize author information in Tracked Changes, comments and document properties in Word documents in order to anonymize real names or correct them.
    • Document Processing Tool
      Perform various actions on multiple Word documents (DOCX, DOC, RTF format), using one or several different TransTools+ commands one after the other.
    • Highlighting Tool
      Simplify editing work: apply color highlighting, clear color highlighting, or find color highlighting.
  • TransTools

    50+ translation productivity tools for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, AutoCAD and BricsCAD.

    • Document Cleaner
      Prepare badly formatted documents for translation: remove excessive tags and fix formatting issues after PDF conversion or OCR.
    • Unbreaker
      Find and remove incorrect paragraph and line breaks to prevent segmentation issues in CAT tools, improve TM leverage and minimize post-formatting time.
    • Dual-Language Document Assistant
      Prepare source documents for translation in dual-language (source+target language) format.
    • Correctomatic
      Correct words and phrases according to multiple correction lists.
  • Forget-me-not

    Never overlook anything when translating Microsoft Office documents using CAT tools.
    Forget-me-not analyzes the content inside several Microsoft Office documents and produces reports that give you a very clear idea how to translate these documents completely without overlooking anything and help you plan the additional work required for DTP and manual translation.

    Forget-me-not screenshot

  • Term Morphology Editor

    Improve terminology recognition during translation and QA in memoQ and Phrase TMS.

    Term Morphology Editor screenshot

  • Excel File Splitter

    Split an Excel file among translators based on word count and re-join translated parts.

    Excel File Splitter screenshot

  • TransTools Migration Utility

    Free application for copying configuration settings of TransTools / TransTools+ between computers or user profiles.

    PDF Image Extractor

    Free application for extracting images from PDF documents.

    Timewriting Assistant

    Free Excel spreadsheet for tracking working time in 15-minute intervals and creating accurate timesheets for your customers.

  • What our users are saying
    TransTools has saved me a lot of time and headache dealing with poorly-made documents.

    “TransTools is an incredibly useful suite of tools that I'm glad exists. It has saved me so much time and headache dealing with poorly-made documents imported to memoQ, which is why I'm proud to have sponsored the development of one of its features. Thank you!”

    Érico Carvalho, English-Portuguese and Spanish-Portuguese translator, BNN Medical & Pharmaceutical Translations

    Product: TransTools

  • What our users are saying
    You can spend hours preparing source or target texts in Word. Or you can get TransTools.

    “Any translator who uses Word files should seriously consider the modest investment for TransTools and TransTools+. The ROI as to both time and trouble saved is immense.”

    Patrick L. Roye, Freelance Translator and Copywriter

    Products: TransTools, TransTools+

  • What our users are saying
    As a CAT tool trainer and mentor, I regularly recommend TransTools.

    “I regularly recommend TransTools to individual translators in my role as a CAT tool trainer and mentor.”

    Jacqui Birnie, MITI, technical translator, memoQ trainer

    Product: TransTools

  • What our users are saying
    TransTools+ saves me hundreds of man hours.

    “I have been in the translation industry for around 30 years now, and my main focus is always on productivity, and accomplishing more in less time. Competition is so ferocious now among translators, but what sets me apart from the rest is my productivity level. I could never achieve this without Transtools+ as my ultimate tool for file preparation and code soup cleaning. It simply saves you hundreds of man hours, specifically for advanced users who know how to use the integrated Regex function. Thanks for such a wonderful software!”

    Sameh Ragab, ISO 17100 Lead Auditor and Certified Translation Provider, UN and Worldbank Registered Translation Vendor

    Product: TransTools+

  • What our users are saying
    Great Swiss knife of handy tools, worth every cent I paid for them.

    “TransTools is a great Swiss knife of handy tools, worth every cent I paid for them. Correctomatic and Document Cleaner save my ass when I make "my favorite" typos, and my time when I have to translate an OCRed document. TransTools for Visio lets me unleash the power of CAT tools and my TMs on Visio files, and TransTools for AutoCAD helps me translate more than a hundred of AutoCAD files per week.”

    Vatslav Yehurnov, freelance translator

    Product: TransTools

  • What our users are saying
    Dual-Language Assistant literally saved me at least one day of work

    “Your TransTools for Word, namely Dual-Language Assistant, literally saved me at least one day of work yesterday. Many thanks for that.”

    Ján Rendek

    Product: Dual Language Document Assistant, TransTools (Microsoft Word)

  • What our users are saying
    Unbreaker feature is a godsend!

    “As someone who works on huge documents with many tables that often have incorrect line breaks and generate useless tags in memoQ, the Unbreaker feature is a godsend!”

    Érico Carvalho, English-Portuguese and Spanish-Portuguese translator, BNN Medical & Pharmaceutical Translations

    Product: Unbreaker, TransTools (Microsoft Word)

  • What our users are saying
    TransTools saves enormous amounts of time and money, and is a must for every translator.

    “I've been extensively using TransTools since 2016. It is a great piece of software. First, TransTools for Office is a blessing that saves from the dreadful "tag soup". It saves enormous amounts of time and money, and is a must for every translator. Second, as a technical translator I really appreciate TransTools for AutoCAD. With it, translating dwg files cannot be easier! It extracts all the text into a CAT-compatible file, and then puts the resulting translation back into the drawing. My 2+ years experience with TransTools clearly shows that it is a stable, user-friendly, and very useful system for every translator. Thanks for such a wonderful productivity tool!”

    Dr. Dmitry Troitsky, Director, Technical Translation & Software Agency

    Product: TransTools